Former Lockheed Martin and Elbit Executive Trisha Fish joins Rapta as Senior Director of AI Programs

We are delighted to announce that Trisha has joined our team at Rapta as our Senior Director of AI Programs. Trisha brings a wealth of experience delivering successful AI programs at Lockheed Martin and Elbit and we are excited to bring new capabilities to the manufacturing floor.

Trisha established and led Elbit America’s new AI/ML rapid prototyping R&D organization, implementing a digital infrastructure for rapid development and deployment of disruptive AI/ML capabilities to aerospace, defense and medical technologies, operating at the edge.

As an innovator and AI/ML thought-leader, Trisha’s 23-year career at Lockheed Martin and Elbit America focused on shaping cost effective, best-of-breed solutions, intersecting Physics, Mathematics, Software, Data Science, Machine Learning and leveraging state-of-the-art computing and sensing technologies to increase mission performance and de-burden humans.