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Release Control

This feature streamlines the release management process for video work instructions in manufacturing environments. New revisions and changes are held for digital supervisor sign-off before updates are pushed to the factory floor. This feature works seamlessly with revision control enabling instant roll back or roll forward of an approved release, in the event you need to build a different variant on the fly.

To enable Release Control , go to the Live Setup tab:

You will be warned that all of your Assemblies, which are not already approved, will be unpublished.

If you login as the Operator, you will see that none of your assemblies are visible

In order to publish an assembly, edit the assembly and enable the Publish slider:

When the Publish slider is enabled, a Release Approval window will open:

Once an Approver and some notes have been added to the Assembly revision, you will see them in the header:

Now that the Assembly Revision has an Approver, it will be seen by the Operator: