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Live configuration options

The following coaching mode settings can be configured on the Live setup tab including:

  • Step Progression Delay: This adjust delay of step progression based on percent of benchmark time elapsed.
  • Enable Step timer: This controls display of the step time count down displayed on the coaching screen.
  • Enable Step Complete Banner: This controls the display and duration of the thumbs up face at the end of successful step completion.
  • Enable Chime on Step Completion: This controls the chime played on successful step completion.
  • Enable Incorrect Action Chime: This controls the chime played when an incorrect action is detected.
  • Repeat Video Instructions: This repeats the video instructions on an endless loop.
  • Autostart new coaching job by default: This mode enables the start of the next assembly coaching once the last is complete. This is useful for continuous manufacturing and requires no job restart by the line worker.
  • Enable Prediction Smoothing: This enables prediction smoothing, which is used to improve the speed of predictions.
  • Enable Release Control: This enables the Release Control feature for assembly release control.
  • Enable Shaded Bounding Boxes: This controls if the bounding boxes will be filled in when displayed around the predicted objects.